Arkham. Bureau d'Investigation, salle de briefing. Bienvenu au Bureau d'Investigation, agents. Voici 5 cas d'investigation dans un univers lovecraftien.
February 2022. Arkham. Bureau of Investigation briefing room. Welcome to the Bureau of Investigation, agents. Here are five more lovecraftian cases. Team up and follow the clues, read newspapers, analyze the scenes and, according to your instinct, investigate the suspects sneakily or question them face to face. Be careful out there, you're heading to Arkham and that's always strange! Grab your badge and go!
Investigate troubling cases and mysterious affairs in this game inspired by H.P Lovecraft’s books.
Discover 5 Lovecraftian cases set in the USA during the 20’s.
A perfect fit for experienced SHCD fans looking for a new challenge and a change of setting...but also for beginners!
A standalone game based on the popular series of Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective games.
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